Rødovre Skater Hockey Hall

The Rødovre Skater Hockey Hall is the result of a collaborative effort between Rødovre Municipality, the hall's users, and the municipal city architect. APA, as lead architect, has been responsible for developing the concept, sketches, and design up to the regulatory project stage, after which the project was tendered as a turn-key contract.

The vision for the hall extends beyond functionality, aiming to create a space that not only serves its users but also brings new character to an otherwise anonymous area. Notably, the Rødovre Skater Hockey Hall is only the second facility of its kind in Denmark.

  • Lead Consultant


  • Rødovre Municipality

  • Rødovre, Denmark

  • 1,400 m²

  • Completed in 2020-2022


Dream it…

Build it…

A glance in and out

The building’s striking red translucent surface not only adds visual impact but also creates a unique, diffused light effect on the indoor floor area, contrasting beautifully with the hall's blue interior. Openings in the façade facing the parking area invite visibility and engagement, allowing passersby to glimpse the activities within, fostering a sense of connection between the hall and its surroundings.

“The red thread”

The vertical aluminium cladding, arranged in a consistent pattern, provides a simple and clean expression. This pattern is interrupted by a bold red accent, inspired by the Rødovre Red Devils' team colors, establishing a strong connection to the city and its sporting identity.

This vibrant red is carried throughout the design—from the translucent façade and steel construction to the doors and goalposts—creating a cohesive and tectonic ‘red thread’ that ties the entire project together. The design celebrates local pride while delivering a dynamic and inspiring environment for skater hockey enthusiasts.

The Rødovre Skater Hockey Hall is not only a functional space but a landmark that strengthens community identity and brings architectural character to its neighborhood.


Natural History Museum

