Completion of Ringe Prison

Topping-Out Ceremony
New closed prison in Sønder Omme




Partner group realigned: 80-year legacy of high-security architecture


Annual Summer Gathering at Nivaagaard Teglværks Ringovn


New closed Prison in Sdr. Omme - Status at the Construction Site


Lead consultant team selected for the New Detention Center in Slagelse

“We incorporate high security requirements in all project phases.”


Thank You for Everything, Sten!


Groundbreaking Ceremony in Sdr. Omme - New Closed Prison 200 beds


Competition Proposal for Stenlængegård Nursery - Kindergarten


Topping-Out Ceremony in the construction of the new extension of Ringe Prison


Contract Sign off and Construction start for the New Closed Prison in Sdr. Omme


Contract Sign off and Construction start at Ringe Prison - New Extension


Humane Corrections: What More Can We Do?


Scandinavian High Security Architecture - ICPA conference in Florida

Transforming the existing

Trifolium transformation: offices and creative hub

A Design Office in Transformation

AIRE spa opens in Copenhagen

Re-winning Framework agreement Danish Prison and Probation service

Campus Emdrup, Café and lounge areas refurbishment

Competition for Vridsløselille Prison

Winning Framework Agreement Thule Air Base, Greenland

Alex Poulsen Architects

“We strive to engage creatively and consciously with the world around us. Through inventive, inclusive and original projects, we aim to participate with and give back to society.”

Jyderup - New Women’s Prison

Topping-Out Ceremony at Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen

Transformation of the Former Vridsløselille State Prison

Tenant Advisor on Nykredit’s New Headquarter in the North Harbour Copenhagen

Architect Sten Ostenfeld Turns 70 Today

Intense Co-Creation Workshop as Part of the Vast Expansion of Copenhagen Airport

APA and Schauman & Nordgren Architects appointed as consultants by Realdania

New Pier E in Copenhagen Airport Opens Today

T3 Expansion of Copenhagen Airport

Groundbreaking Ceremony at Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen